U.S. Immigration I
Federal Criminal Defense I
25 Years of Trial Experience Defending the Individual
Thompson Law Advocates, P.C. represents clients facing deportation removal for serious and minor criminal offenses in both state and Federal Criminal Court systems. The law requires that immigrants be told of their foreseeable immigration consequences of criminal convictions [Padilla v. Kentucky]. Often a “good deal” in criminal court is a “bad deal” in immigration court and can lead to deportation or other bad results. In addition to providing both immigration and criminal defense for the individual client, our practice provides immigration consequence consultation for the Criminal Defense Attorneys throughout the United States. Over 25 years of continuous, in-courtroom trial experience in both immigration and criminal courts makes our practice unique in providing criminal defense attorney support. An attorney from Thompson Law Advocates, P.C. will meet with your non-citizen client, research their individualized immigration history, and consult with you and your client regarding the immigration consequences they face. Most importantly, we will prepare a memo for your file proving that you have met the constitutional requirements of [Padilla v. Kentucky]. We work from the realistic point of view from a practicing trial attorney. We understand the theory and the law and apply it to the practicalities of your criminal defense practice. We understand the rigors of criminal defense practice. We value the opportunity to work with you and your clients.