Immigration for U.S. Military Personnel and First Responders

At Thompson Law Advocates we are proud to be able to serve those who serve others. Our Law Firm is honored to stand with and provide immigration services to U.S. Military Personnel, First Responders, and their families. The U.S. Immigration System provides special benefits for those who protect our nation and serve our communities including Parole in Place, Deferred Action, and the Immigrant Military Members and Veterans Initiative. Many in our firm are first responders themselves, and they understand the sacrifices you make to care for your community and nation. It would be our distinct honor to guide you through the Immigration Process and help you gain all the benefits the United States offers. It is important to know that these benefits extend beyond the Military Member or First Responder and often provide opportunities for family members. Please contact us immediately so we can serve you.

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Thompson Law Advocates, P.C.

1500 Walnut St
7th Floor West

Philadelphia, PA 19102

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For a Consultation (215) 525-9155